South Sudan TB Epidemiological Review
We continued to support countries to conduct TB Epidemiological Review. This time around, we worked with UNDP to conduct TB epi review in South Sudan from 29th July to 09th August 2019. Dr. Francis tells us the challenging experience of working experience, but at the same appreciates the immense efforts of the government of South Sudan and partners working together to improve the health of the people. Ministry of Health Sudan through National TB Program and partners have made significant progress in introducing new tools and interventions to control TB. However, challenges remain immense due to armed conflict which may have negatively impacted on TB control in some parts of South Sudan affecting coverage of TB services.
Dr. Francis and colleagues from UNDP assessed the standards and benchmarks of health facilities in Juba and Wahu States. Great contributions from partners such as WHO and implementing partners in understanding the TB surveillance and interventions to bring TB services to the community. Impressed with the efforts to increase TB case detection in collaboration with partners, use of eTB Registers to improve TB recording and reporting, and TB/HIV services including ART coverage among TB/HIV co-infected patients.
EPIMAT Consulting appreciates the support from TB program, UNDP, WHO and other implementing partners in the successful conduct of this mission.
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