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Understanding and Using TB data to improve TB surveillance, care and control, 29/05-03/06/2019

District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2) has tremendously improved recording and reporting of TB data in Tanzania. The added WHO dashboards improve the way we analysis and useTB data at the health facility level. Dr. Francis Mhimbira, a WHO consultant, worked with the Global TB Programme, WHO and Tanzania National TB and Leprosy Programme (NTLP) to conduct a TB data analysis and use workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 29 May to 03 June 2019. The workshop was attended by all Regional TB and Leprosy Coordinators, program officers from NTLP and implementing partners – about 60 participants attended this important workshop.


The workshop was so interactive, and included short lectures and more on data analysis using the inbuilt analytical tools of the DHIS2. There was so much to learn from the interpretation of the TB indicators and how they tell the TB control in Tanzania – a great lesson indeed. Dr. Francis facilitated the TB/HIV Cascade session, and the achievements made are overall impressive from HIV testing coverage to linking TB/HIV to care, as in high coverage of cotrimoxazole preventive therapy and anti-retroviral therapy. Bravo to NTLP and all stakeholders fighting to End TB in Tanzania.


A great thank you to WHO Country Office for amazing support and fellow consultants in this workshop. If you want to learn about DHIS2, DHIS2 fundamentals ( online course is a great place to start offered by University of Oslo. It is a great course, and its free.